Erin Dunlap Explains What the American Data Privacy & Protection Act Would Mean for Businesses in AZ Big Media

While Congress is considering the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA), which is a comprehensive federal data privacy bill, AZ Big Media turned to Erin Dunlap for insight into what businesses can expect if the act is signed into federal law.
Erin noted current federal data privacy laws lack broad applicability to today’s digital data landscape. While a number of states have passed consumer data privacy laws, the ADPPA would create national standards for personal information collected by companies and grant individuals more control over the use and disclosure of their personal information.
Because ADPPA would apply to many businesses whose data practices have not been regulated at the federal level (or at all) in the past, Erin discussed the need for companies to consider the extent of ADPPA application and evaluate their current data practices (including the collection, use and disclosure of consumer data), including on their websites and through any mobile applications. Although federal legislators will likely need to compromise on certain positions, Erin hopes the ADPPA is passed in some form to set a national baseline and alleviate strain on businesses (especially those with a national footprint) that are currently trying to sort through and comply with the patchwork of state privacy laws.
With a deep understanding of HIPAA and other federal and state data privacy laws, Erin regularly advises organizations working in the health care industry on a variety of data privacy and security-related issues, offering practical advice and recommendations for compliance.