Karen Owens Discusses Summary Suspension with Arizona Association of Medical Staff Services

Karen Owens shared her expertise in summary suspension at the Arizona Association of Medical Staff Services (AAMSS) Spring Education Conference.
Karen discussed different types of suspension of a practitioner’s clinical privileges and permissible grounds for suspension. She broke down various procedures to follow before, during and after suspension, and how to schedule a fair hearing.
Karen regularly represents health care systems, hospitals, clinics, and other institutions in matters of quality management, medical staff credentialing and peer review, hospital and medical staff structures, confidentiality, and National Practitioner Data Bank, state professional board and other government reporting. She has represented medical executive committees in dozens of fair hearings and helped medical staff leaders and professional navigate through many, many suspension situations.
AAMSS provides continuing education and professional development opportunities for medical staff, credentialing and practitioner support personnel throughout Arizona. Learn more about the organization here.