Mel Soliz Earns 2024 Volunteer of the Year Award & Highlights Key Patient Privacy Issues at National Panel

Partner Mel Soliz was recently honored as the 2024 Volunteer of the Year at the Sequoia Project annual meeting, recognizing her exceptional contributions of time and expertise. Mel also joined a national panel to expand upon her efforts and impact on patient privacy and consent.
The panel, comprised of Mel and four other health information experts, explored strategies to better align the benefits of health data exchange with a critical need to protect patient privacy. Their discussion addressed the growing tension between the rising value of health data and evolving privacy expectations while emphasizing solutions that align both priorities.
Mel’s regulatory practice focuses on compliance with data privacy, access and interoperability laws (such as the Information Blocking Rule and CMS interoperability mandates as well as state mini-interoperability laws), health IT/technology service contracting, and HIN/HIEs (including national and state interoperability frameworks such as TEFCA, Carequality, CommonWell, DURSA, DxF and SCPA). She regularly speaks in local and national forums on these topics and has been active in state and federal policymaking on data privacy and HIE issues. She is the President of the Arizona Society of Healthcare Attorneys and is regularly lauded by Chambers USA, Best Lawyers, BTI Client Service All Stars, and Southwest Super Lawyers.
Learn more about Mel Soliz.