Roopali Desai Discusses the Benefits, Role of Amicus Briefs in Panel Seminar for the State Bar of Arizona

Roopali Desai joined fellow legal experts, including a judge on the Arizona Supreme Court and representatives from the ACLU of Arizona and the Institute for Justice, to demystify the role of amicus briefs in a panel seminar for the State Bar of Arizona.
The panel discussed how to effectively use amicus briefs on appeal, including the types of briefs that are most helpful to judges, how to obtain amicus support for a case, common pitfalls, and how to identify the best person or people to serve as amici.
Roopali specializes in civil litigation and appeals and election and political law. Her clients include large and small businesses, nonprofits, and political campaigns and parties. She is especially known for her experience representing initiative, referendum, and recall campaigns, and has served as legal counsel for numerous successful statewide and local measures. Roopali is experienced in drafting ballot language and preparing initiative and referendum petitions, and is experienced in defending and prosecuting various types of pre- and post-election challenges to initiatives, referendum, and recalls, including seeking injunctive relief.