Jill Chasson Highlights Need for Anti-Harassment, Conflict of Interest Policies in Arizona Capitol Times

Jill Chasson Highlights Need for Anti-Harassment, Conflict of Interest Policies in Arizona Capitol Times

Arizona Capitol Times recently turned to Coppersmith Brockelman’s Jill Chasson for insight into the Arizona Legislature’s murky workplace standards.Jill, who has 25 years of experience practicing employment law, was quoted extensively throughout the article. With the current situations in the Legislature as the backdrop, she addressed the importance of establishing a workplace culture based on respect and professionalism, and of having robust sexual harassment and conflict of interest policies that set boundaries for personal relationships with coworkers and non-employees. She also reviewed steps for effectively investigating complaints under such policies. Well versed in the many federal and state laws that govern the workplace, Jill regularly conducts internal investigations and works with employers to resolve difficult workplace issues. When disputes arise, she represents employers before administrative agencies, in arbitration proceedings, and in...

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Andy Gordon’s Commentary for Arizona Capitol Times Highlights Destructive Political Pandering

As one of the state’s foremost political and election law experts, Andy Gordon shares his thoughts on recent controversies following the presidential election with Arizona Capitol Times. In Sore Losers, Sore Winners Demean Democratic Process, he discusses Jill Stein’s recount demand, Donald Trump’s illegal voting claims, and the implications such actions have on the political landscape....

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